Perdue Back at it… Proposes $750 Million Tax Increase


Raleigh, N.C. – Gov. Beverly Perdue proposed a $750 million tax hike – her first of the new year. It ups the ante on probable primary opponent Rep. Bill Faison, who proposed a mere $700 million in new taxes a few short months ago.

“Obviously, Gov. Perdue’s attempt to nip this economic recovery in the bud is dead on arrival at the General Assembly,” said Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger (R-Rockingham). “The Democratic primary for governor apparently has devolved into a fight over who can raise the most taxes, spend the most money, and grow the biggest government. Gov. Perdue’s latest tax-hike stunt proves she can’t fix this mess she made.”

The governor’s proposal comes just a few weeks after her own education agency released a report showing more than 4,000 state-funded education positions were added over the past year.